Welcome to the Trivia Questions

TEN questions worth 500 Koins each! The answers won't be available

until the first of next month. You will be informed of correct

answers by e-mail at the end of the current month. If you answer all TEN

correct you will receive a bonus 1000 for a grand total of 6000 Koins!

This month's questions:

1. Fred the oldest known goldfish lived to what age?

11 years, 1 years, or 104 years

2. Bubble gum contains rubber.

True or False

3. In high school, Robin Williams was voted...

Least Likely to Succeed, Best Actor, or Funniest Man on Campus

4. In what year did Bugs Bunny first appeared known as Happy Rabbit?

1935, 1945, or 1955

5. Which is the larger world population; people or chickens?

6. For what crime was monkey tried and convicted for in South Bend, Indiana?

driving without a license, smoking in public, or theft

7. What is banned by public schools in San Diego?

kissing, hypnotism, or mini-skirts

8. What is Wilma Flinestone's maiden name?

Mcbricker, Granite, or Slaghoopal

9. What was the Grateful Dead once called?

The Undertakers, The Warlocks, or The Undead

10. What was the skipper's name on Gilligan's Island?

Vincent Gaule, Jonas Grumby, or Bill De Ganton

Thanks for playing!