The Working Drawings of "The Black Mite"
These are some examples of the working drawings my father used to build his first aircraft. There are a few things to be noted about these drawings:
- They are now 20 years old and were drawn to scale; that is to say, they were 100% sized unless otherwise stated in the drawings.
- Each original page measured 18"x14".
- These drawings were scanned into JPEG files using a flatbed scanner then stitched together with a quality graphics program.
- The drawings have been made free to the public at many Michigan libraries. Other than the 5 or 6 copies my father has there are no original sets to my knowledge available.
- If you wish you can have an enhanced printed copy that contains reduced drawings and some additional notes my father included for $10 US + $1 postage or you can send $5 and receive the complete set of JPEG's via e-mail.
- Should you decide to remake this aircraft please remember that the last flight was almost fatal!!